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Everywhere and for everyone

A clean alternative to diesel generators

For most places on earth, diesel generators have been the main source of electricity for decades.

Clean alternatives are highly demanded, but simply too expensive for most locations. TouchWind’s low-cost turbine finally brings an answer to this question.

For example

Canada counts over 280 remote communities. The majority of these is not connected to the main grid. So far, these people are facing electricity prices of over C$1/kWh.
Alaska deals with long distances and up to $500k per mile of cable. Hence, electricity costs can rise to nearly $2/kWh and solutions are much needed.
Recently, Denmark and Greece (and many others) demonstrated the possibilities. Moreover, luxurious islands like The Maladives are in high need of clean diesel alternatives.
Everywhere and for everyone

Install anywhere.

On average, costs for a foundation are approximately 15% of the total CAPEX for onshore wind turbines. In countries with limited infrastructure, this percentage will obviously be much higher.

ImPacked does not need a foundation, and so makes installation affordable and doable in the hardest soils and circumstances.

As long as a container can get there, so can ImPacked.

A low-cost turbine design

Affordable clean energy

For ages, wind turbine-rotors have been fragile and expensive. That is, until now.

TouchWind rotors consist of just one piece and have an estimated costs of 30% compared to current turbines.

See our working 3 meter model

But also

Some examples are:

  • Refugee camps
  • Military camps
  • Temporary hospitals
Farms are big consumers of electricity.

This (Dutch) article provides a good outline of the situation and potential.

There is (almost) too many remote areas to list. So just for the sake of inspiration, we would like to refer to Peru and these places.
As low as it gets

Lowering maintenance and its costs

TouchWind ImPacked requires only little maintenance due to its low amount of parts. And when it does it is easily accessible, as its entire generator comes down to the maintenance crew. No helicopters nor cranes required.

This means less time spent offline, and therefore, higher capacity.